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School Profile, Mission & Pledge

School Profile
Arlington Heights Elementary School, located in the historic Arlington Heights district of mid-city Los Angeles, first opened in 1910. Located immediately to the south is the Los Angeles Trade School, and adjacent to the main playground on the western boundary is Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. Middle School.
As with all schools within the Los Angeles Unified School District, our curriculum is guided by the Common Core State Standards. Our school motto, "Children First", is the affirmation that guides us every day. Our learning community provides an environment that instills support and enrichment to meet the diverse needs of each child. As a team that believes in holistic education, we strive to build the foundation for "College Capable Cardinals" to succeed as global world citizens.
Arlington Heights Elementary School seeks to create a rigorous learning environment with high expectations for success. We aim to provide high-quality instruction that allows for various learning styles. Our school promotes a safe, caring and supportive environment where each student has the opportunity to develop his or her potential as an individual and a 21st Century learner.
School Pledge
I pledge to treasure Arlington Heights as a place to learn and grow.
By being honest and fair to all I know.
To show respect and be kind to all I meet.
To be responsible and work hard each day of the week.
To strive to be the best I can be,
So all can succeed in our family.